Tasty Fajitas

Fajitas with delicious potatoes

Difficulty Level: easy

0 Prep
0 Cook
0 Total
0 Serving


  • 1 and a half chicken breasts per person
  • 1 pepper (red)
  • 1 onion
  • fajita mix
  • potatoes
  • oil
  • salt
  • sour cream and chive dip
  • sweetcorn
  • tortilla wraps


  1. 1. Start with the potatoes as they take around thirty minutes to cook.

  2. chop the potatoes up into medium size chunks and place in an oven proof dish covered in oil and a lot of salt.

  3. mix these around every 5-10 minutes as the oil can make them stick to the oven proof dish.

  4. 2. Secondly, chop up the onion and the pepper. Use more peppers and onions if more people. Place them in the frying pan. Chop up the chicken into chunks or strips (whichever you prefer). Add he chicken and the fajita mix into the frying pan until all the chicken is covered.

  5. 3. As the chicken is cooking prepare the other items. Place the wraps in tinfoil and pop them into the oven. Cook the sweetcorn either in a pot or in the microwave. Put the sour cream and chive dip into a bowl.

  6. 4. Check the potatoes are ready by either trying one or placing a fork through one and if it is soft, it is ready.

  7. 5. Put everything into a wrap and enjoy.

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