Easy Cheap Chilli Con Carne

Amazing student chilli con carne

Difficulty Level: easy

0 Prep
0 Cook
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0 Serving


  • 1 white/brown onion (finely chopped)
  • 1 red/green/yellow pepper (cut into thin strips)
  • 1 red chilli (chopped)
  • 500g mince meat
  • 1 tin of heinze baked beans
  • 1 tin of kidney beans (in chilli sauce)
  • 1 tin of chopped tomatoes
  • salt
  • pepper
  • any kind of oil
  • 400g rice
  • 2 large bags of cheese/chilli doritos


  1. Serves four:

  2. 1. Fry onion in a hot large wok/frying pan for 2 minutes

  3. 2. Add mince meat and break meat up as much as possible

  4. 3. When meat has completely browned add the sliced up red/green/yellow pepper and chopped up chilli

  5. 4. Staight after this add the chopped tomatoes (let it look for 2 minutes while stirring)

  6. 5. Add the kidney beans in chilli sauce and stir together (let that simmer for roughly 10/15 minutes on a low heat)

  7. 6. While the chilli con carne is simmering you can put your 400g rice into boiling water for 10/15 minutes, add salt to the water and only stir once, after the first stir leave well alone you!!!!

  8. 7. Remove rice from the heat and drain the water in a bowl with holes in (colander)

  9. 8. After everything has simmered for 15 minutes put your baked beans into the chilli con carne mix, stir and turn the heat up to medium, when this has cooked for 3 minutes your chilli is ready to plate up!

  10. 9. I split the plate into thirds (1 third rice, 1 third chilli con carne and 1 third dorito’s…Enjoy!)

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