10 Minute Potato Egg Cheese Breakfast

Yummy quick healthy filling breakfast to start your day.

Difficulty Level: easy

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0 Cook
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0 Serving


  • 1 smallish potato
  • 1 egg
  • some oil
  • hot sauce/ ketchup/ salsa to taste
  • cheese
  • .
  • (i usually double this to fill me up)


  1. 1.Wash the potato and stab it a few times with a fork to let out the steam when it’s cooking.

  2. microwave the potato, depending on the size of the potato, for 2-5 minutes. Flip it over halfway done.

  3. get a pan warming with some oil in it (about a teaspoon or so) while the potato finishes nuking.

  4. don’t burn your fingers! Cut up the potato into discs or squares, however you like it, and put it in the pan.

  5. crack an egg into the pan and scramble it all around with the potato. Add as much cheese as you like. I usually use about 1 tablespoon per potato.

  6. when the egg is cooked and the cheese is melted, it’s done! I put hot sauce on mine.

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