Asian-ish Marinade Steak

Inspired by sweet Asian marinades, that is cheap and simple

Difficulty Level: easy

0 Prep
0 Cook
0 Total
0 Serving


  • Dried Tumeric
  • Lemon juice
  • Soy Sauce
  • Garlic (dried ok)
  • Onion (dried ok)
  • Honey
  • Crystalised ginger juice (The ginger you buy in a jar that has the juice in with it, just take a teaspoon and add that in)
  • Small bit of oil!
  • Steak


  1. Now first of all please remember to tenderise your meat before hand! I forgot, and trying to beat that thing with the marinade in the bag as well was… well messy! Don’t be afraid of dried things either, they cheaper and it still tastes good, I tried it with dried first! Fresh is obviously better though lol!

  2. I also haven’t given measurements for a reason, a) I didn’t measure when I did this so I’m not sure b) every persons taste is different. Dry ingredients should be enough to cover all the meat and the wet should be the same.

  3. You can also mix this together in a bowl without the meat and then cook it with the steak to make extra sauce

  4. 1. Basically with the meat (tenderised) in a freezer bag add the dry ingredients (tumeric, garlic, onion) and give the bag a good shake, holding the top closed of course, until the meat is all covered.

  5. 2. Now add the wet ingredients (oil, honey, soy sauce, ginger juice) and give the bag another shake

  6. 3. Put in the fridge for couple hours, turning it every now and again to make sure all the steak covered.

  7. 4. Then cook! Place in a medium heat pan, don’t worry about oil, and cook on both sides until done.

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