Awesomely Easy Aubergines

Delicious aubergines, ready in minutes!!!

Difficulty Level: easy

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  • ? aubergines
  • ? garlic
  • ? yoghurt
  • ? turmeric
  • ? a pinch of salt
  • ? red chilli powder
  • ? oil to fry


  1. ? cut the aubergines into small pieces. Put some turmeric and a pinch of salt to the aubergines.

  2. ? put oil into a frying pan and deep fry the aubergines.

  3. ? in a mixer whisk the yoghurt and the garlic cloves (put a good amount of garlic cloves since this is the main ingredient to lend flavour to the dish) along with a bit of red chilli powder. You may consider hanging the yoghurt in a muslin cloth beforehand to drain out the water so that the mix is not too runny and has a nice creamy consistency.

  4. ? put the yoghurt mix on the fried aubergines and fold it in. Be careful so that the aubergine pieces do not break.

  5. ? it?s ready! Tastes best with parathas

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