Baked Sandwich

Easy But Yummy Cheap!

Difficulty Level: easy

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0 Serving


  • 1 Egg
  • 2 Tblsp Milk
  • 2 Slices Of Bread (Your Choice)
  • Fillings ( Your Choice) Cheese, Tamato And Chicken Slices are My Choice
  • Butter or Margerine
  • Serves 1
  • Takes 10 minuites to prepare
  • Takes 20 minuites to bake


  1. First set the oven to 6 degrees, Butter Both Slices Of Bread, Add Fillings to the bottom peice of bread apply other slice on top and then crack egg into a jug then add your milk beat frisckly untill mixture is fruffy. Ater Youve Finished that pour very very slowly over the top pressing a fork down onto the bread after each pour. Using a peice of kitchen towel, Tissue or Bakeing Paper smudge butter all around a bakeing tray this prevents your baked sandwich from sticking also burning whilst cooking. Slowly Place Your Baked Sandwich On To THe Bakeing Tray. Leave For 20 minuites. Take Out Of Oven And Remember To wear Oven Gloves. Set For 2 Minuites. And There You Have a Delicious Baked Sandwich

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