Basic Risotto

filling, easy, cheap and just amazing

Difficulty Level: easy

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  • this will serve 4 depending on how hungry you are! It’??s a basic risotto recipe so its suitable for veggies, but if you choose to through some meat in there you could always use a chicken or beef stock to give it a stronger meat flavour
  • 1 litre vegetable stock (from cube)
  • 1 onion finely chopped
  • 300g Risotto Rice (must be risotto rice)
  • 175 ml white wine (use any leftovers of wine…why waste it!?!?!)
  • 25g butter or margarine


  1. 1. Gently fry the onion until soft

  2. 2. Add the rice, fry until you can hear it making a sort of squeaky noise (about 2-3 minutes)

  3. 3. Add the wine, bubble rapidly until it evaporates

  4. 4. Add a ladle full of HOT stock at a time, on a medium heat and stir failry often.

  5. 5. Once each ladle full had been pretty much absorbed add another until all the stock has been used

  6. 6. When all stock has been used, turn off the head, add the butter and stir until melted. Then add in cheese if you want to and anything else you feel like chucking in (but make sure what ever you bung in is hot as you are only going to stir it through) season with salt and pepper. enjoy

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