Bread Pizza

Bread with mozarella and veggies….. no need stove only microwave

Difficulty Level: easy

0 Prep
0 Cook
0 Total
0 Serving


  • 1. Bread slice ( how much ever u want )
  • 2. Tomato sauce
  • 3. Melted butter
  • 4. Mozarella cheese (many)
  • 5. Onions- 1 small or half medium
  • 6. Tomato – "
  • 7. Capsicum – a quarter
  • 8. Olive oil – 1/4 table spoon
  • 9. Oregano – a pinch
  • 10. Salt and pepper


  1. Take the onion,tomato and capsicum and chop them into small pieces. Put them in a bowl and add the olive oil,oregano ,salt and pepper. Mix them all and put the bowl in the refridgerator for 5 min minimum ( you can put it in the fridge for many days but covered).Take the sauce, mix it with butter and spread it on a slice of bread . Add mozzarella cheese, the veggies again the mozzarella and heat it in the microwave till the cheese melts.

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