Cheap and Cheesful!

Like Cheese? Like Chips?
Difficulty Level: easy
0 Prep
0 Cook
0 Total
0 Serving
- French Fries
- Cheddar
- Red Leicester
- (any cheese you fancy,
- except brie or boursin, you can’t grate them)
1. Simply bung a load of chips into a dish in the oven, following instructions for time and temperature, which will be on the chip packet!
(make sure the dish is oven proof, melting plastic STINKS and can poison ya)
2. Select your cheese! My favourite bit. I’ve discovered the nicest option is 3/4 mature, crumbly cheddar and 1/4 good old red leicester cheese.
3. Grate ya cheese and mix it together.
4. Chips done? Good, get ’em outta the oven, wearing oven gloves please. Scolding, peeling and burnt hands are not at all attractive.
5. Arrange the chips on your plate however you like. Use your imagination.
6. Sprinkle, smother or suffocate your chips with cheese.
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