Cheap & easy stew

Great in winter and east to make
Difficulty Level: easy
0 Prep
0 Cook
0 Total
0 Serving
- Potatoes
- Meatballs (tinned with the gravy)
- Cooked (could be left over) sausages
- Bacon
- Carrots (and any other vege IF you want)
- Oxtail soup
First prepare all ingredients;
– wash vege and potatoes
– gentley heat soup on hob
– cook all meat products thoroughly and let cool (leftovers can be used)
Cut potatoes into quarters
cut all meats into smaller chunks- even meatballs
put all in a saucepan and allow to simmer whilst stirring
leave to cook for about 5-10mins
*******Doesn’t have to be for just one, can be for aq group just use more foods, have some crusty bread on the side 🙂
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