Cheat Mushroom Risotto

Cheap-as-chips, reeeally easy and tasty!

Difficulty Level: easy

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  • Serves 4
  • 4 cups of rice
  • 4 handfuls grated cheese
  • 1 large onion or 2 small
  • 1/2 celery stick
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 pint of vegetable stock
  • 10 large button mushrooms approx.
  • salt
  • pepper


  1. Make the stock using boiling water and use this to boil the rice. When it looks like the rice is starting to soak up all the water, add another 1/4 pint (approx) and keep boiling.

  2. Meanwhile, cut up the onion into small chunks and crush the garlic. Saute in a deep frying pan (or wok) on a very low heat and after the onions have begun to soften, add the celery. after everything has softened add the mushrooms, stir and put the lid on the pan.

  3. When the rice is cooked and very soft (still sticking together a bit) tip it into the frying pan. Add a little water if you think it is going to dry out. Mix the veg through the rice, seasoning with the salt and pepper.

  4. Add the cheese and mix through until it is all melted.

  5. Garnish with parsley if you have it, but it’s not essential.

  6. Happy eating!

  7. This recipe is also great with butternut quash, carrots, peas – almost any vegetable!

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