Cheese Stuffed Burgers

I dare u to get this recipe

Difficulty Level: easy

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0 Cook
0 Total
0 Serving


  • 600 grams minced meat (makes 6 to 8 burgers)
  • 100 to 300 grams of goat cheese,cheddar cheese,mozzarella cheese.
  • any other thing u need to make a burger.


  1. -separate the meat into 2 equal amounts

  2. -take one amount divide it into 6 to 8 balls

  3. -put a large nylon paper and put the balls over them and keep spaces then put another nylon paper over them.

  4. -smash the burgers with a flat thing (use a flat knife)

  5. -remove the nylon of the burgers ad the cheese and keep it in the middle the divide the other amount of meat into the same amount of balls u divided the first amount.

  6. -smash the balls using the same way but other nylon papers then put them on the first part over the cheese make the two pattys touch by your fingers.

  7. -then smash using the up method and fry and add what ever u want to the burger.

  8. ps :make sure the meat pattys touch strongly or when u smash and u didn’t do that the meat and cheese will get minced meat and you’ll to throw everything.

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