Creamy Pesto Pasta

Quick, easy, cheap and so so tasty !

Difficulty Level: easy

0 Prep
0 Cook
0 Total
0 Serving


  • 2-3 cups pasta
  • 1-2 tblspoon of strong pesto
  • 100ml or less of single cream
  • one head of broccoli
  • handful of mushrooms
  • handful of spinach
  • salt pepper
  • feel free to add any other veg!


  1. Cook the pasta, add the broccoli in the same pan about 5 mins before the pasta is ready (saves on dishes)

  2. in a pan fry the mushrooms, when they are cooked add pesto and a dash of cream- (to taste)

  3. add spinach

  4. drain pasta and broccoli

  5. add the pasta and broccoli to the pan

  6. season

  7. mix and serve!

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