Curry Beans Rice Stir Fry Thing!

What i had for tea the other day. 🙂

Difficulty Level: easy

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0 Cook
0 Total
0 Serving


  • 1. 1/4 dry rice, cooked in 1/2 cup water. Or about half a packet of ready cooked rice.
  • 2. Enough beans for one, i used half of a big tin.
  • 3. An egg, scrambled beforehand.
  • 4. Chopped onion, about a quarter of an onion.
  • 5. Small clove of garlic chopped (or powder if not available.)
  • 6. Cumin seeds if you have them, about half a teaspoon if that.
  • 6. Red chilli powder, about a pinch.
  • 7. A bout a teaspoon curry powder/spice mix, i used jamaican curry powder but you can use any spice mix you prefer. Garam masala might be nice!
  • 8. Ketchup, a dollop.
  • 8. Cheese, though that’s optional really. I sprinkled it on because i’m a piggy.
  • also any chopped vegetables if you want to add a bit of colour. I didn’t though but might do next time.


  1. 1. Heat a bit of oil in a wok or frying pan, add cumin seeds.

  2. 2. Once seeds start crackling add onions (plus whatever veggies you’ve added). When onions have softened add garlic and mix it about for a minute.

  3. 3. Add all the powders (chilli, curry) and mix for a minute or two.

  4. 4. Add baked beans and ketchup and mix about until it’s all hot.

  5. 5. Add scrambled egg and cooked rice, mix about so it’s all nicely heated through,

  6. plonk into a bowl and to make it extra nice sprinkle some cheese.

  7. quick comfort food right there. Yummers.

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