Dervished Chorizo Prawn Pasta

Simple, quick and lovely.

Difficulty Level: easy

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  • Pasta (any)
  • Chorizo sliced (as much as you want)
  • Raw Prawns (as much as want, I always have a frozen bag for this type of thing)
  • Creme Fraiche


  1. 1) While the pasta boils, fry chorizo in a little butter/olive oil mix(so the butter doesn’t burn) over a medium/highish heat.

  2. 2) Once it’s leaked a bit of fat(and lovely spices) cook the prawns.

  3. 3) Add a bit of creme fraiche (not to much it’s just a vehicle for the chorizo flavor) and season.

  4. 4) Drain cooked pasta (throughly, maybe even deliberately rough it up a bit so the sauce sticks) then mix into to the sauce, then season again (fresh ground pepper, has to be).

  5. Done. Easy, but outstanding. N.B. Might find before you add the pasta that the sauce seems to be splitting but with the carbs of the pasta tends to bind up ok.

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