Easy Homemade Instant Ice-cream!!

Easy and delicious!

Difficulty Level: easy

0 Prep
0 Cook
0 Total
0 Serving


  • > 1 cup of milk
  • > castor sugar
  • > flavor of your choice [coco powder for chocolate flavor is used in this recipe]
  • > big bag of ice cubes
  • > salt
  • > an air tight plastic cover
  • > a container
  • > a plate or a bowl


  1. * take the container and add 1 cup milk, 3 spoons of coco powder (add more if not satisfied) and castor sugar.

  2. * stir this mixture well.

  3. * add this paste into the air tight plastic cover and keep it in the big bag of ice cubes.

  4. * add some salt into the bag and shake it well for 6-10 min.

  5. * if not satisfied, you can keep it in the freezer as well.

  6. * after shaking well and good take out the paste from the cover and put it into a plate or a bowl.

  7. * finally serve cold and enjoy!!

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