Easy Peasy Mango And Dark Choc Tarts

Sweet mango and bitter dark chocolate forever in harmony!

Difficulty Level: easy

0 Prep
0 Cook
0 Total
0 Serving


  • 1. Dark chocolate spread (approx. 3 tbsp)2.Mini 2.Pastry cases
  • 3.Double cream (250ml)
  • 4.Tinned mango slices (1 tin)


  1. 1.Fill pastry cases with a little cream (about ½ the way full)

  2. 2.Top with the spread

  3. 3.Cut mango into small chunks

  4. 4.Leaving about ¼ to the side, add mango to tart

  5. 5.Leave for about an hour in the fridge (or until set)

  6. 6.Plate up, and enjoy!

  7. extra tips!

  8. ? to plate up- add a smear of chocolate spread to a plate, put the ¼ of mango chunks in a bowl and mash with a fork. Place a blob onto the plate, use the back of a spoon to flatten the blob and top with the tart!

  9. ? you could try using different combinations! Like white choc and raspberry or orange perhaps, be creative!

  10. let me know what yours was like and submit your own tips in the comment section!

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