Easy potato & mushroom pie

Anyone can make this!

Difficulty Level: easy

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  • 4 large potatoes, cut in to thin slices (no more than 1/2 a cm thick)
  • About 6 closed mushrooms, sliced
  • A good heap of chopped leeks
  • Knobs of margarine
  • About 1/2 pint of milk (doesn’t have to be precise at all)
  • Several tablespoons of plain flour (or self-raising also works)
  • Salt & pepper
  • Herbs (preferably chives and also rosemary if you have any…if not, dried herbs will do)
  • Grated cheese for topping


  1. Grease a small oven dish with the margarine.

  2. Par-boil the sliced potatoes in a saucepan for about 5 minutes (so they become only a tiny bit softer than raw).

  3. Make a layer of the sliced potatoes at the bottom of the oven dish.

  4. Layer on top some sliced mushrooms and a handful of leeks.

  5. Add a sprinkle of the herbs and a good pinch of salt & pepper.

  6. Get a heaped tablespoon of flour (doesn’t need to be sieved) and scatter over the layer. Add another tablespoon if necessary so that you can see a thin layer of flour.

  7. Put on top 3-4 knobs of margarine, scattered evenly around.

  8. Repeat this layering, remembering to add the margarine and flour each time, until you reach the top of the dish.

  9. Finish with a final layer of potato.

  10. Pour over the top a good glug of milk, probably about 1/2 pint (depending on the size of your dish…this applies to a medium sized oven dish) until you can see it swimming if you tip the dish slightly.

  11. Add a final sprinkle of herbs to decorate.

  12. Put in the oven at about 170 degrees (fan oven) for 45 minutes. Add a good layering of cheese over the top after about 30 minutes for a delicious cheesy bake.

  13. ENJOY!

  14. (Note, the leeks can obviously be left out if preferred).

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