Egg and rice

Very quick very easy

Difficulty Level: easy

0 Prep
0 Cook
0 Total
0 Serving


  • Left over rice from night before
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 or 2 eggs
  • pinch of curry powder
  • Curry mayonaise


  1. 1. Whish the egg/s in a bowl

  2. 2. Add the rice into a frying pan with oil (Heat rice up, stir to make sure rice doesn’t burn or stick)

  3. 3. Add the whisked egg/s and stir into rice, make sure this has cooked. Add a pinch of salt with it and a pinch of curry powder.

  4. 4. Serve rice in bowl, add curry mayonaise to taste and mix.

  5. I literally did this 10 minutes ago as I saw left over rice and an egg, you may also add bacon having chopped that up and thrown in the pan before the rice to fry

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