fido’s omlette

pretty darn good!

Difficulty Level: easy

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  • 3 Eggs
  • 1 Onion
  • 2 Small Tomatoes
  • 2 Handfulls of canned corn
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Cumin
  • Cheese for topping(mozarella or parmesan)


  1. -stir the eggs and keep aside

  2. -chop up the onion into fine small cubes

  3. -chop up the tomaotes into fine small cubes

  4. -put the corn in a bowl

  5. -put oil/butter/ghee in pan and heat a little

  6. -put in the onions and let them fry for a little while

  7. -then put it the tomatoes and leave for while

  8. (becareful not to scorche the onions and tomatoes)

  9. -throw in the corn niblets

  10. -then put in salt, pepper and ground cumin into the mixture

  11. -stirr and cover for a while on low heat

  12. -after a while lift the cover and put in the eggs

  13. -stir all together and then cover and let it cook on low heat

  14. (its covered cuz we dnt wanna burn the bottom side without the upper side being cooked…the steam cooks the upper side as well)

  15. -when its cooked enpugh to flip…well…flip it!…dny hit the ceiling

  16. (if u dnt knw how to flip it, just cut it into for quarters and flip them with a spoon)

  17. -dnt just crush the eggs…we want it to look presentable…remember its an omlette not scrambled eggs

  18. – when boht sides are cooked enough….place ont a plate and throw on the cheese

  19. (cooked minced meat can be added to replace the corn)


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