Foolproof boiled rice

How to make your rice fluffy and light, works every time
Difficulty Level: easy
- Rice
- Water or stock
Firstly measure your rice out using a measuring jug and rinse it thoroughly out in a sieve. This removes most of the startchy shite that makes your rice sticky.
Put it back in the jug, add water equivalent to 1 and a half the volume of the rice.
So say for example you have 1 cup (8floz) of rice, you add 1.5 cups (12floz) of water.
Or stock, rice is tasty cooked in stock.
Pour it into a pan and on a medium heat bring to the boil, lid off.
When it’s boiling place the lid on top but not all the way, leave it slightly off.
When the rice is beginning to form "craters" (you’ll know what I mean) put the lid on tightly, reduce to low heat and cook for another 12-15 minutes (depending on what your cooker is like)
Do not remove the lid in this time else you’ll let the moisture out and your rice will stick to the pan!
When the time is up, fluff it with a fork and serve.
Or let it go cold and fry it up with vegetables, meat or eggs and eat with soy sauce.
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