Goats Cheese Salad

A warm goats cheese salad with a sweet honey mustard vinagrette

Difficulty Level: easy

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0 Cook
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0 Serving


  • Goats cheese
  • bacon
  • lettuce (own choice)
  • rucola (optional)
  • cucumber
  • tomatoes
  • honey
  • mustard
  • olive oil
  • lemon
  • salt and pepper
  • thyme


  1. Heat up the oven at about 180 degrees celsius.

  2. put the goats cheese in an oven tray and wait for the oven to heat up.

  3. to make the dressing, put about 2 tablespoons honey, and 2 tablespoons mustard (spicy) in a bowl. Add about 3 tablespoons olive oil and a squeeze of lemon juice. Season with salt, pepper and good dose of thyme, and stir until a cohesive mixture.

  4. once, the oven is hot, put the goats cheese in the oven, set it at about 10 minutes, check every now and then to see if it is melting a bit.

  5. in a pan, put in your shredded bacon, don’t make it to crispy, simply cook it through thoroughly.

  6. when the goats cheese is done, assemble the salad. Toss the dressing through the salad, rucola is a great choice, and the chopped up cucumber and tomatoes. Top it off with the bacon and goats cheese and enjoy!!

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