Ground Turkey Spaghetti
Cheap, easy, yummy, healthy spaghetti
You’re gonna need to big pots and one pan. Fill one pot up with water and put it on the stove on high. Add a little bit of olive oil (like 2 seconds worth). Then get a pan and put the stove on medium. Then pour about 4 seconds of olive oil in the pan and let it heat for like two minutes. Then add your ground turkey and let it cook for about 5 -10 minutes until it starts looking less pink and then add your onion and garlic. Check to see if the water is boiling yet, if it is, through the noodles in. In the other pot put your marinara sauce, bell peppers and spinach in. Turn the stove on medium low and stir to cover all the spinach leaves with marinara sauce. Then when the onions are clear and the turkey looks cooked, add this to the pot with the marinara sauce and mix it up again. Let it cook until the spinach cooks down and the marinara sauce is hot. Then, get a fork and test a spaghetti strand. If it’s not crunchy at all, pour it in a strainer in the sink. You’re done!