Hangover cure soup!

Fun to make hot tomato and pepper soup ^^

Difficulty Level: easy

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0 Cook
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0 Serving


  • 2 tins of plum tomato.
  • 1 medium to large onion
  • 5 cloves of garlic (optional)
  • 1 red pepper
  • 1 yellow pepper
  • 1 green pepper
  • Tobasco Sauce
  • Salt, pepper and sugar.
  • 3 vegetable oxo cubes


  1. 1) Chop up the onion

  2. 2) Thinly slice the garlic

  3. 3)Add a little oil into a pan, heat between low and medium

  4. 4) Add onions and garlic to the plan

  5. 5) Stir and cook ’em for about 3/4 mins

  6. 6) Blend the 2 tins of tomatos, add to pan

  7. 7) Chop peppers and add them all to the pan

  8. Now put it on medium and keep it cooking till the peppers are quite soft =]

  9. 8) Add the mixture to a blender (if using a hand blender, just keep it in the pan ofc)

  10. 9) Add a few splashes of tobasco, salt, pepper and a teaspoon of sugar into the blender

  11. 10) BLEND!

  12. 11) Once blended put back on medium in the pan and cook for 20mins/half an hour, tasting and adding salt/pepper if needed =]

  13. The tobasco clears the sinus’s and helps stop the yucky feeling

  14. The rest of it gives nutrients and easily fills hunger with a yummy taste

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