Haricot And Potato Soup

Hearty, Beany, Tasty

Difficulty Level: easy

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0 Cook
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0 Serving


  • Serves 2 /3
  • 1 small tin of Haricot Beans in brine or water(NOT in tomato sauce)
  • 3 Large Potatoes washed
  • Pint Vegetable Stock (Any stock will do really…)
  • 100g of Diced bacon (optional)
  • Parsley + Thyme
  • Butter – To taste


  1. 1. Bring the Pint of vegetable stock to the boil.

  2. 2. Peel and chop the potatoes into small 1cm cubes and rinse to remove excess starch.

  3. 3. Add to the stock. Simmer for 10 mins

  4. (whilst simmering, cook off bacon in a frying pan if desired)

  5. 4. Drain the Haricot beans and add to the pan. (and Bacon if desired)

  6. 5. Add the parsley, thyme and butter. Cover and simmer for a further 15 mins.

  7. Serve with Crusty white bread.

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