Homemade Butter Pie

Made just the way the dinner ladies did…

Difficulty Level: easy

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  • Serves 3-4
  • 2 large potatoes
  • 1 medium onion
  • 1tbsp butter for frying
  • 55g butter, cubed
  • 125g plain flour
  • Pinch of salt


  1. Peel and quarter the potatoes. Thinly chop into slices around 5mm thick.

  2. Peel and chop onion into strips (can be chunky or thin)

  3. Fry potatoes in a little butter for 5 mins until coated but not cooked

  4. Layer the potato slices in a casserole dish and top with the raw onion slices.


  6. With the flour and salt in a mixing bowl, add the cubed butter and rub with fingertips until ‘breadcrumb’ texture is reached.

  7. With a little water, mix into a dough like mixture (add a little extra flour if dough becomes sticky).

  8. Roll out on a floured surface into a circle large enough to cover the top of the potatoes and onions.

  9. Place dough in casserole dish over the potatoes and onions. Cook in a preheated oven at 180 degrees celcius for 30 minutes until cooked through and pastry browns. Serve with gravy, steamed veg, or simply on its own!

  10. Tip: sprinkle salt over the onions to bring out the sugar in the onions. This helps them caramelise and give a sweet taste.

  11. Tip: Brush the pastry with a little milk before cooking to glaze.

  12. NB: Margarine is a good substitute for butter if the ‘buttery’ flavour is used.

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