Mince, Veg & Dumplings soup

Delicious, quite healthy and nice and filling!

Difficulty Level: easy

0 Prep
0 Cook
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0 Serving


  • Beef Mince meat
  • 4 Large potatoes
  • 4 Carrots
  • Broccolli
  • Cauliflower
  • Tin of Heinz Vegetable soup
  • All purpose seasoning
  • Flour
  • Water
  • Salt


  1. Fill up a pan up to about a third of the height of the pan and put on to boil on a medium heat.

  2. Chop up the potatoes, carrots, broccolli and cauliflower and put in the water to boil.

  3. Put on the lid and boil until the vegetables are beginning to soften.

  4. Fry the mince meat and add the all purpose seasoning.

  5. Add the tin of Heinz soup to the vegetables and then add the mince meat to the pan.

  6. To create the dumplings, put some flour into a bowl and gradually add salted water to the flour to create a dough. Knead it until it forms into a big ball and isn’t sticky. Pull small pieces from the dough and roll between your hands to make long dumplings roughly the size of your second to biggest toe.

  7. Add them to the pan and leave the soup of boil for 10 minutes.

  8. To thicken up the soup in a bowl add a little bit of flour with water so it’s like a floury liquid, add this to the soup and it will thicken up.

  9. Leave to boil for 10 more minutes. Your soup is now ready! Enjoy!

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