Mini ‘cupcakes’

Super cute snacks

Difficulty Level: easy

0 Prep
0 Cook
0 Total
0 Serving


  • Any cake mix you like 🙂
  • frosting
  • candy melts
  • sprinkles
  • *tools*
  • cake tin
  • cookie cutters


  1. 1. Follow instructions on cake mix and bake. Then let it cool.

  2. 2. Crumble pieces of your cake and mix it with frosting until soft and moist. Take little pieces and roll into a ball, take the cookie cutter and press down (not all the way though).

  3. 3. Melt your candy melts following the directions on the bag. After mini cupcakes cool, dip each end in melted candy melts.

  4. 4. Decorate and enjoy!

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