nut-stuffed chicken

its so yummy try it
Difficulty Level: easy
0 Prep
0 Cook
0 Total
0 Serving
- 4 chicken fillets
- 30g butter
- 1 teaspoon paprika
- asmall garlic clove skinned and crushed
- 1/2 an oniopn,finely chopped
- 25g salted peanuts,chopped
- 1 tbs parsly,finely chopped
- some salt and peper for taste
make the stuffing by melting the butter im a small pan
gently fry the onion and garlic untill soft but not colored
add the penuts parsly and salt + peper
mix well
get a wooden roling pin
flatten the chicken wit the rolling pin between some clingfilm
fill wit the stuffingand roll up use some coktail sticksto keep closed
melt some butter in roasting tin and sprinkle the paprika over it
put the chicken over it
cook at 200* for 25mins (5-10 mins longer if the fillets are large)
when is cooked geta small spoon and get the butter and paprika mix over so that its golden
and last but not least enjoy
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