Onion and cabbage fried thing

Its got onion, it’s got cabbage and, yes, it’s fried!

Difficulty Level: easy

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0 Cook
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0 Serving


  • 1 potato (any kind, I used marris pipers if you’re into potatoes)
  • 1 onion (again, any kind, but I used red ‘cos they’re pretty :])
  • Cabbage (I’ll admit I’m not entirely sure how much you need, I just added as much as I thought I needed… Perhaps anywhere between 100-200 grams will do?)
  • Seasoning of your choice!


  1. Dice the onion and fry in a pan with some olive oil.

  2. Steam the cabbage (mmm!)

  3. Grate the potato

  4. Once the onion begins to brown add the potato and stir a bit, now add the cabbage.

  5. It should sort of come together.

  6. Add pepper and salt as you wish!

  7. I had ketchup with mine!

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