Orange Hot Choccie

A simple twist on the lovable hot chocolate ^^

Difficulty Level: easy

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  • Hot chocolate powder,
  • orange flavouring/essence
  • a chuck of chocolate
  • milk.
  • decorate (optional):
  • whipped cream, marshmallows, chocolate chips, sprinkles


  1. Make your hot chocolate and pour in a splash of milk. Add a couple of drops of orange essence/flavouring.

  2. stir then put in your piece of chocolate and mix well till melted, for that extra indulgence! ^_^

  3. decorate how you want it.

  4. drink and enjoy!

  5. very warming on a winters day ^_^

  6. tip: melt a terry”s chocolate orange- drink it like that or add a segment to your hot chocolate!

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