Oreo And Kitkat Milkshake

Extra chocolateyyy

Difficulty Level: easy

0 Prep
0 Cook
0 Total
3 Serving


  • 1 pack of oreo biscuits
  • cookies and cream kitkat (about 4/6)
  • vanilla ice cream ( try cornish ice cream)
  • leave ice cream at room temperature so it’s almost soft.
  • 100ml semi- skimmed milk (if you feel like you want an ingredient with not as much calories) 🙂


  1. Crush oreo and kit kat in a plastic bag or you can simply break into a blender if you have a superfast blender.

  2. add some milk but watch not to put too much, add ice cream and blendddd.

  3. et voila… Pour in fancy cups and add some straws!

  4. ps: add as much milk as you think is necessary to achieve the consistency you like.

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