Pancakes Kiwi Style

This is a mixture of mums recipe & a hint of korean style i learnt wrkn @ gengi’s

Difficulty Level: easy

0 Prep
0 Cook
0 Total
0 Serving


  • 2x c – self raising flour
  • 1 tsp – baking powder
  • 1/4 c – sugar
  • 1x – egg
  • 1x c – milk
  • 1x – pinch of salt
  • 1 tsp – vanilla essence
  • (any) oil
  • butter
  • non-stick frying pan,
  • spatula, ladle, whisk, bowl


  1. – crack egg into bowl

  2. – add vanilla essence, salt, sugar, milk then whisk

  3. – now that is all mixed start sifting 1 cup of flour at a time, also add the baking powder, then whisk until satisfied with the texture

  4. – heat a non-stick frying pan and add 1x tbsp of oil, and a cube of butter, i find that adding a bit of butter before each pancakes gives an epic buttery taste.

  5. -add full soup style ladle to the pan, this should be enough to fill 3/4 of the pan. (depending on the pan off course)

  6. – when bubbles start to appear the pancake is ready to be flipped, cook for another 30 – 60sec when flipped, then serve

  7. – serve hot with:

  8. any jams,

  9. lemon & sugar,

  10. ice cream,

  11. whipped cream,

  12. or to get that mcd’s taste, butter your pancake and add a heap of maple syrup yum!!

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