Pasta n Pesto – easy delish

pasta pesto ham & cheese

Difficulty Level: easy

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0 Cook
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0 Serving


  • Pasta, pesto,creme freche ( lowfat optional) ham ( or chicken) cheese
  • (veggies are optional if desired & you have more time,…such as mushrooms, onion, peppers, courgettes – saute or microwave to soften)


  1. boil pasta, drain off water, add 1/4 of tub creme fraiche per person & a few generous heaped pesto teaspoons per person, stir in also grated cheese & chopped cooked meat ( chicken or ham) if adding veggies then add them in too ( but them must be cooked)

  2. then stir thro for a minute & ready to serve…. very moreish delish and quick

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