Pasta Salad with Lentils

Tasty and substantial
Difficulty Level: easy
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0 Serving
- Serves 4 (This is a great tasting recipe but if you are not keen on the veggies substitute or ommit them)
- 100g Red Lentils
- 500ml Meat Stock
- 300g Pasta Shapes
- Salt and Pepper
- 1 Onion
- 100g Pickled Beetroot
- 1 Carrot
- 100g Leek
- 2 tbsp Lemon Juice
- 3 tbsp Oil
- 2 tsp Ground All Spice
- 1 tsp Ground Paprika
- 150g Smoked Ham
- Chopped Parsley
1. Wash the lentils and add together with the stock in a large saucepan and cook for about 10 minutes over a low heat. Cook the pasta to packet instructions.
2. Peel and finely chop the onion. Cut the beetroot into strips. Clean, peel and finely slice the carrot. Clean, wash and finely slice the leek into rings
3. Combine the lemon juice with oil, season with salt, pepper, allspice and ground paprika. Cut the smoked ham into small strips. Wash, dry and chop the parsley.
4. Strain the lentils and pasta in a sieve or colandar and drench with cold water. Allow to cool down completley. Then add all the ingredients in a mixing bowl.
5. Add the salad dressing and serve
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