Pasta type con carne thing

Maybe a little "strange" but its gorgeous

Difficulty Level: easy

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  • Pasta (I prefer the long spaghetti stuff whatever it is called)
  • Potatoes/Mash
  • Chilli Con Carne Powder
  • Mushrooms, peas, carrots or something like that. Or none, anything you want.
  • However much you want/can fit in an ovenproof dish.


  1. Boil the pasta

  2. Make the mash potato

  3. If you are using peas/mushrooms/carrots or anything then make them too.

  4. Once they are all done, make the chilli con carne sauce, put everything into an ovenproof dish and pour in the sauce mix and give it a stir so its all nice. Cover it with the mash and put it in the oven on high for 10-30 minutes, the longer the better but if you cant wait then 10 minutes will do otherwise wait until the mash is all crispy ontop then serve!

  5. Its a little unusual i guess but it really is gorgeous (at least i love it), easy and very cheap. You can even heat it up later if you have some left, or eat it cold.

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