Pb, Nutella And Banana Toastie

A little treat post-uni
Difficulty Level: easy
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0 Serving
- Nutella (or chocolate spread)
- smooth or crunchy pb (peanut butter)
- 2 slices of white bread
- butter
- a banana
- a toastie machine is perfect but a grill would work the same.
1. Slice the banana into approx. 9 slices.
2. Spread one piece of bread with nutella.
3. Smother the other piece with pb.
4. Place the banana on one of the pieces of bread.
5. Slap the other piece of bread on top so it looks like a sandwich.
6. Whack the sandwich into the toastie maker.
7. Wait until the bread is golden and toasted.
8. Serve with a little bit of vanilla ice-cream.
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