Philly Salmon

Philadelphia and Salmon with Pasta

Difficulty Level: easy

0 Prep
0 Cook
0 Total
0 Serving


  • Salmon – 200g(ish)
  • Pasta – 150g
  • Philadelphia or if you feel the need to any other cream cheese
  • Pine nuts -30g


  1. 1st . Make sure to remove any bones in the salmon

  2. 2nd. On a tray roast the pine nuts on a high heat in the oven for about 3 minutes until they go a nice brown

  3. 3rd. Place the salmon on a tray season with salt and pepper and oil. Cook for about 15-20 minutes on a medium heat

  4. 4th. Place pasta in a sauce pan full of boiling water and cook for 10-12 minutes ( dont let it go to soft!)

  5. 5th. Remove the water from the pasta the add the salmon to the pasta and mix it up.

  6. 6th. Add the philly and the pine nuts to the pasta and stir again until both the pasta and salmon are covered.

  7. 7th. serve.

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