Pizza bread

Home-made pizza under 10 minutes!!!

Difficulty Level: easy

0 Prep
0 Cook
0 Total
0 Serving


  • Bread – any type.. Cheap bread is just as nice
  • Sauce – tomato ketchup..
  • Any of your favourite pizza toppings eg onions, peppers, sweetcorn, mushrooms, chillie etc..this should be cut in to teeny tiny peices.
  • Cheese- grated
  • Herbs


  1. Squirt sauce all over bread and then spread with a spoon.

  2. Add the toppings you’ve selected.

  3. Put cheese on top and then press it down so no topping shows.

  4. Add a pinch of herbs

  5. Put in the grill and leave it in there untill the cheese becomes melted and slightly red.

  6. Allow it to cool before eating so it dosent burn you.

  7. And DONE!!!

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