Prawn Stir Fry With Crushed Cashew Nuts

Quick and easy stir fry, under 10 minutes prep + cooking
Difficulty Level: easy
- Stir fry vegetables kit (cheaper than buying all ingredients separately)
- noodles (you can often get the stir fry veggies with the noodles on some kind of meal deal)
- soy sauce
- cashew nuts
- peanuts
- prawns (already peeled and cooked)
- oil (stir fry oil works best, but olive oil or sunflower oil would be fine too)
- utensils:
- frying pan (or wok) x 2
- spatula
- bowl
- glass
To prepare the crushed nuts beforehand:
1. Empty about a handful of cashew nuts and another handful of peanuts into a small bowl
2. Use the bottom of a drinking glass to push down on them and crush them
3. Put to one side
to prepare the stir fry and noodles:
1. In each pan, heat up about 15 ml (a decent sized splash) of oil. Stir fry oil works best, but olive oil or sunflower oil would work too
2. Once the oil is hot, add the stir fry vegetables to pan number 1, and the noodles to pan number 2
3. After about a minute, add the prawns to the stir fry vegetables
4. Remember to constantly stir the ingredients in both pans to heat them thoroughly and to stop them sticking
5. Usually, the vegetables only need 3-4 minutes to heat up, but check the packaging to be sure. About one minute before they’re ready, add a couple of splashes of soy sauce (more or less, depending on your taste). The noodles normally take around the same amount of time.
5. Transfer the noodles into a bowl
6. Transfer the stir fry veggies and prawns onto a plate
7. Sprinkle the crushed nuts over the top
pop any leftovers into a sealed plastic food container and put them in the fridge, and have it for lunch/dinner the next day.
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