Quick and easy pasta

Great pasta in under 20 minutes!

Difficulty Level: easy

0 Prep
0 Cook
0 Total
0 Serving


  • 3 handfulls of Pasta
  • 3 slices of Bacon
  • Grated cheese of your choice
  • pasta sauce


  1. Cut up bacon into small pieces and grate cheese.

  2. Boil a pan of water, when the water’s boiled put in pasta.

  3. Put bacon under the grill and turn occasionally untill crispy.

  4. After about 15 minutes test pasta-it shouldn’t be chewy or hard. Drain off the water.

  5. Whilst on a low heat;

  6. Add sauce to pasta and stir.

  7. Add crispy bacon to pasta and stir

  8. add cheese to pasta and stir

  9. Serve.

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