Quick Dairy Free Pancakes

Pancakes without the added lactose

Difficulty Level: easy

0 Prep
0 Cook
0 Total
0 Serving


  • 1 egg
  • 125g of Plain Flour
  • 300ml of any lactose free milk (I find almond and coconut is best)
  • vegetable or sunflower oil


  1. 1) Sift the flour and make a crater in the middle

  2. 2) Break the egg into a bowl and whisk with some of the milk

  3. 3) Pour the egg mixture into the crater and whisk with the remainder of the milk until smoothish (I find some lumps are left, this is fine)

  4. 4) Leave to stand for 30 minutes

  5. 5) pour some oil into the pan and heat gently, once the pan has heated pour in the mixture to your required thickness and cook until golden, make sure to flip the pancake to make both sides golden

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