Rainbow Salad.

Simple yet tasty salad.

Difficulty Level: easy

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  • Cous Cous.
  • 1 vegetable stock cube.
  • 1 green bell pepper.
  • 1 yellow bell pepper.
  • 1 red bell pepper.
  • Loose Sweetcorn.
  • 1 large tomato.
  • Spring onion (optional).


  1. Make a vegetable stock by adding your vegetable stock cube to water, and mixing.

  2. Pour this over your chosen amount of cous cous, and leave to soak in a flavour.

  3. Wash all your vegetables in a colander.

  4. De-seed and slice all your bell peppers, and put in a bowl to one side.

  5. Slice your tomato and put in the bowl also.

  6. Add sweet corn to the bowl.

  7. Chop your spring onion and add to the bowl.

  8. Stir your cous cous and ensure the stock is soaked in. Now add your bowl of vegatables to the cous cous and mix in evenly.

  9. Served best cold, with meat/fish of your choice.

  10. Portions depend on amount of cous cous used.

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