Red Pepper Pesto!

Perfect base for pasta dishes or to coat grilled meats!

Difficulty Level: easy

0 Prep
0 Cook
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0 Serving


  • 1 Whole Red Pepper
  • 250g Tomato Passata


  1. 1. Roast the pepper on the middle shelf of a hot over for 20 minutes until soft.

  2. 2. Place in a plastic bag (a freezer bag for example) and seal. Allow to cool as the skin comes away from the flesh.

  3. 3. When cool, peel off the skin and place the flesh (without the seeds) into a blender.

  4. 4. Add the passata to the pepper in the blender, and blend until smooth.

  5. 5. Use straight away or divide into portions and pop in the freezer. To reheat, just chuck it into a saucepan and allow to heat through on a medium heat.

  6. This is great as a base for bolognese dishes or just stirred into cooked pasta. And for extra flavour add crushed garil or basil. Yummy 🙂

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