salmon fillet and potato salad

salmon filled with cheeze+ onion with a spinach potato salad
Difficulty Level: easy
- smoked salmon – thin cut, wotever size you need
- 1/2 onion- my not need this much depending on how many you are cooking for
- sliced cheeze – enough to cover one half of the salmon (just a thin layer)
- potatoes
- spinach
- parsley
- mayonnaise
To prepare :
cut the potatoes into small pieces and place in a pot with the spinach enough for your liking and fill with water (example 3 potatos + 2 hand fulls of fresh spinach for 3 people)
take out your salmon, cut it in half so there are to long pieces of salmon and place one half on foil that has been layerd with olive oil so the fish does not sick
slice your cheeze and put it on this half ov the salmon then place a few pieces of diced onion on top
then place the other half of the salmon on top making a parcel
fold the foil all round the salmon tightly and place in the centre of the oven
cook this parcel for 30 mins on gas mark 5 the salmon will be very tender by then and taste delicious believe me !!!!
while this is cooking bring your potatoes and spinach to the boil then simmer for 20mins
when they are cooked drain out all the water and put 2 table spoons of parsley or more depending on how many people you are cooking for then add enough mayonnaise to coat all the potatoes do not add to much !!! then mix it all up 🙂 and there is your potato salad !!!
serve it all up and then your done !!!
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