Sandra’s Easy Pizzas

Quick and easy pizzas made in minutes

Difficulty Level: easy

0 Prep
0 Cook
0 Total
0 Serving


  • Muffin bread ( its like a round ish sort of bun thing)
  • red pepper
  • sweet corn
  • tomato paste
  • oregano and mint ( optional)
  • grated cheese


  1. Cut the muffin bread in half and spread with tomato paste on each half

  2. cover each side with loads of cheese ( preferable mozzarella )

  3. cut peppers into small chunks and place on top

  4. cover any avalible space with sweetcorn

  5. put some oregano and mint ( dried) if u want to

  6. place in microwave for 1 min – 3min ( depending on how much topping u put on)

  7. take out and enjoy

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