Shish Kabab New Version

Best in the world

Difficulty Level: easy

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  • Meat cut into medium pieces
  • tall pointy thingii used for shish kabab
  • kiwi (optional)
  • u can also use vegies most recomanded onions and tomatoes but grill them before grilling the meat.
  • ps: the more u put of the white meat thingii of the cows beef which makes u fat the more delicous.


  1. -first dont be surprised to of the next step.

  2. -cut the kiwi into too and rub it on the meat

  3. this will make the meat very much softer and it wont affect the tast.

  4. -put the meat and veggies through the tall pointy thingii

  5. -cut a barrel in half and put coal inside its bottom, light up the coal ,and find a way to prevent the sticks with meat from falling when brown flip.

  6. ps: if u dont want to use the barrel and light up coal just use a grill.

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