Cheese Bomb

Cheesy+ very healthy (or not)

Difficulty Level: easy

0 Prep
0 Cook
0 Total
0 Serving


  • Cheddar cheese (as much as u want)
  • hamburger bread 1 per person
  • mozzarella cheese (maximum half the cheddar cheese u used)
  • more kinds of cheese are optional
  • such as kaskaval ,parmizian , good a…U can also put more mozzarella inside the bread


  1. -preheat a sub or small grill

  2. -put cheddar (or any optional cheese) into the hamburger bread (don’t be cheap)

  3. -put the hamburger into the small grill .

  4. -while u are doing it get a bunch of mozzarella cheese into a pan keep moving it so it wont stick and keep the cheese together when the cheese is soft and took the shape of the ball u remove it.

  5. -after the bread is brown and the cheese has melted take the mozzarella cheese ball and put it on the stuffed bread and enjoy!

  6. ps:quickly move the mozzarella cheese or else you’ll stay scraping the pan for hours.

  7. please leave a comment and vote.

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