Special Fried Rice

Amazing spices put in to one Meal!!

Difficulty Level: easy

0 Prep
0 Cook
0 Total
0 Serving


  • Ingredients:
  • Courgette
  • Pepper
  • Rice
  • Spices (own choice of spices)
  • Turmeric


  1. 1.Rinse the rice in a sieve whiles boiling some water in a kettle.

  2. 2.Once boiled pour the water in to a saucepan and add the rice.

  3. 3.Whiles in the saucepan add turmeric and stir.

  4. 4.Once the rice is fluffy and soft put in a frying pan and add the Courgette, Pepper and Spices.

  5. 5.After about 5-10mins put on to a plate and serve.

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