Special K Sandwich Pasta

Healthy and sooooo satisfying like Zak 🙂

Difficulty Level: easy

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0 Serving


  • Special K
  • Pasta
  • Bread
  • Marmite
  • Pasta Sauce (Has to be Dolmio)


  1. Boil pasta in water as normal, drain water and heat dolmio pasta sauce, when the sauce is heated add to the pasta, mix throughly.

  2. When the pasta and sauce is throughly combined, add a bowl of special K ( a new take on the special k diet) and stir gently untill all special k flakes are covered in sauce. Leave to heat for 1 minute.

  3. Take a burger roll, minus the burger, and fill the contents of the roll with the pasta mix, sauce and cereal mix. Grate some cheese on top and eat with chestnuts. Cover the top of the roll with a generous spoonful of marmite.


  5. Love to all x

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